QuickSchools, Inc Introduces Standards-Based Grading Software to Ease Adoption of Common Core State Standards
For pennies per student, student information system (SIS) or sometimes also known as school management system, school administration system, school management software, school administration software, and classroom management software, helps teachers in the world and especially USA plan lessons around standards while automating grading and report cards
QuickSchools, Inc. launched a Standards-Based Gradebook (SBG) app for teachers and administrators to gauge student mastery of Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and provide vital data for institutions as to the effectiveness of CCSS long term.
As of this year, 46 states, four territories, and the District of Columbia have adopted Common Core State Standards released in 2010, yet some controversy about its broad goals and assessment tools, not available until Spring 2015, have surfaced. SBG is gaining popularity as a tool for public school districts, charter schools and private institutions to ease the implementation and assessment of CCSS.